25 Literature Essay Topic Ideas That Can Trigger Your Imagination

If you are imaginative and creative by nature and if you are pursuing or willing to pursue a course in English literature, you can derive much inspiration from some topics that might fire your imagination. Here are some essay topics that can get the job done for you.

25 good and creative essay topics

  1. The Old Man and the Sea: how did Ernest Hemingway explore man’s relationship with nature?
  2. Explore the troubles of human relationships in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter
  3. A Pair of Blue Eyes: is Hardy’s less popular novel a giant compared to others
  4. The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde: Explain the humor in one of the most funny English texts ever
  5. Are e-book readers going to be the new libraries for literary works?
  6. The impact of Leo Tolstoy on modern English novel
  7. The style of Charles Dickens that influenced every other novelist after him
  8. Is Beyond Good and Evil a book in which the writer has tried to explore a different literary dimension?
  9. Why did Thomas Hardy leave poetry and step into novel writing?
  10. Describe the credentials of George Eliot through her works Middlemarch and Silas Marner
  11. Look at the various angles from which Alexander wished to explore life
  12. What are some revelations in English Literature that are unique to William Shakespeare?
  13. Is the Bible an integral part of English literature? Comment for or against
  14. English authors born in India: a retrospection of colonial literature
  15. Poetry by John Donne: What is so unique about the poet
  16. The role of wit in the poems of Pope and Dryden
  17. Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained: what makes these epics of English literature
  18. Reflect at The Wasteland by T.S. Eliot and look at it from a different perspective
  19. What is the essence of George Bernard Shaw’s play Man and Superman?
  20. Is The Doll House by Henry Igsen the greatest 20th century English play?
  21. James Joyce and the Stream of Consciousness novel art: Examine the author through his work Ulysses
  22. Pointed Roof by Virginia Woolf: what makes the writer the champion of Freudian thought?
  23. How highly would you rate comedy of humors by the restoration dramatists?
  24. She Stoops to Conquer: a work of excellence by a rather mediocre writer
  25. The non-contributing W.H Hudson and his contributions to the popularity of modern English Literature.

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