What Should I Include In An Essay About My Best Friend?

Students often write descriptive essays. A descriptive paper requires the author to write about a person, event, subject, animal, etc. You may be asked to compose a paper about your best friend. It’s an interesting and comparatively simple task, but to complete it successfully, you should follow particular steps.

How to Write a Descriptive Paper about Your Best Friend

  1. Compose a thesis statement.
  2. A thesis is a sentence that presents the subject that your paper is focused on and makes the reader understand what to expect from your text. Create your thesis in advance so that everything you’ll write later is directly connected to this single sentence.

  3. Make an outline.
  4. Starting to write your essay without an outline is a bad idea. It’s likely that you won’t be able to maintain a proper structure of your text. On the other hand, if you create an outline for your paper, all the sections like an introduction, body, and conclusion will be of a desired size and content.

  5. Write an introduction.
  6. Your opening paragraph should give the reader a basic understanding of what they’re going to read in your paper. Write briefly about your best friend and finish the paragraph with your thesis statement. Based on this small description, you’ll discuss the features and qualities of your friend in detail in the body paragraphs.

  7. Write a body.
  8. This is the largest part of your text that should consist of several paragraphs. Start by describing the appearance of your friend. You should also write about their voice and intonations that they use communicating with other people. Then, you should describe their character traits.

  9. Write a conclusion.
  10. Summarize everything you’ve written about your friend and state why you like them so much and why it’s important to have close friends. Don’t include any new descriptions in this section.

Finalizing Your Descriptive Paper

Take a break after composing your essay. Then, you should return to it and revise it thoroughly. Eliminate every mistake that you notice and rewrite sentences that look awkward or irrelevant to your thesis.

The next step is to format your paper in accordance with the requirements stated by your teacher. Read your assignment guidelines carefully to take into account every important detail.

The last step is to compose an interesting and attention-grabbing title for your paper. Think about something more original than just “My Best Friend”. This will positively surprise your teacher and increase your chance to earn the highest score.

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