Narrow topic.

To be meaningful and interesting, a paper should be written on a topic that isn’t very broad and overused by every second student. Take your time to come up with a good idea that will be interesting to write about and possible to research. Your teacher will appreciate the fact that you are not trying to select the easiest way to complete your task.

Eye-catching title.

The reader should become interested in your paper just by looking at its title. It’s advisable to use special techniques that attract the reader’s attention. For example, you may include some word play or a paraphrased cliché in your title. Compose your title after your paper has been already written to make it absolutely match the paper’s contents.

Strong thesis.

A thesis statement is the purpose of your paper expressed in one sentence. It should be well-composed and be a connecting link between your arguments or points. To achieve the best result, create a few versions of your thesis and show them to your instructor. They’ll tell you which version to use in your text. .

Interesting introduction.

The opening paragraph of your paper should also draw the interest of the reader to your topic. Start your introduction with a hook. This should be an interesting fact, famous quotation, provocative question, or something else that both attracts a person’s attention and relates to your topic. Then, you should provide the reader with the background information about your topic and an overview of your paper. Finish the introduction with a thesis statement.

Informative paragraphs.

The body is the largest part of a paper that consists of several paragraphs. Keep in mind that each paragraph should present and discuss only one point. Make sure to support your points with the relevant evidence gathered during your research. You may use both quotations from respectable sources and the results of your own experiments. Start body paragraphs with topic sentences so that the reader immediately understands what they’re about. Make transitions between paragraphs so that your text flows smoothly.

Meaningful conclusion.

The last paragraph of your essay should not only summarize your points and restate your thesis, but also indicate the importance of your topic. To make your paper look completed, you may connect your conclusion to the introduction. For example, if you asked a provocative question in the opening paragraph, you may give an answer to it in the conclusion.

Correct format.

If a teacher instructed you to write a paper as a homework assignment, they’re likely to state particular requirements related to its length and format. Make sure to meet these requirements. Otherwise, you may get a low grade even if the contents of your essay are well-written and proofread.

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What Makes a Strong Essay?

Writing an essay is the first academic assignment that a student gets at school. Such tasks help students develop their writing skills, learn to express their thoughts through writing and persuade the readers in their ideas. While the majority of students can write papers without serious difficulties, only a small number of students earn excellent grades for their academic works. If you want to improve your scores and write better papers, you should know what makes a strong paper.

Improving Your Skills to Write Better Papers

To get higher grades for your academic assignments, you should read a lot and practice writing regularly. You’ll never develop your skills to a high level if you write papers only when you get school assignments.

Spend some time during your weekends to come up with interesting topics and compose papers on them. By doing this, you’ll be ready for almost any academic task given by your teacher.

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